Meaning of Num Ansorm khmer

CAMCENTRO 2023. 11. 27. 10:59


1. Meaning of num ansam


The meaning of Ansam cake: "Ansam" according to the dictionary of Samdech Sang Chuon Nath explained that it is the name of a cake made of sour rice packed with fresh leaves (usually banana leaves), round in shape, flat in the end, cooked or roasted. . There are many types of Ansam, namely Ansam Chek, Ansam Dak Nam Cheat Nam Vatum, and the whole Ansam. Ansam Chrouk Ansam puts pork as the core. Ansam dong Ansam put coconut paste or ripe coconut meat, scratch and mix. Grilled rice, grilled rice, Reasons for the packaging of cakes according to religious beliefs: According to (Nom Ansom), some documents say that during the reign of Jayavarman VII, Cambodia was a Brahmin religion, and most of the items and materials are related to religion, such as cakes. This Ansam and so on.


Because Brahmanical beliefs are ingrained in the minds of all Cambodians (according to Buddhism, there is no such thing as throwing bread or  offerings, only Brahmanism), so Cambodians adopt Ansamchek Pig cake. These cakes are given back to the monks, which mixes the two religions as we see today."Ansam Cake" has its origins in ancient Khmer history and has been seen in traditional Khmer festivals such as New Year, Pchum Ben, weddings and other religious ceremonies. The bringing of these cakes to the pagoda on Pchum Ben day comes from this festival, as well as other festivals associated with Hinduism.


2. How to make num ansam


Ansam cake: First, we have to tear the banana leaves or cassava leaves and dry them in the sun to soften the banana leaves. Then wipe it clean and prepare the string for tying. Banana stems can be used as a string or a 

simple string.Wash the yellow beans and leave them in fresh water. After that, we have to cook the pork as a long offering (usually three layers of pork because it is low in fat) by mixing ingredients such as pepper, salt, garlic and so on.



Then we can pack. It takes 1 to 2 hours for packing, depending on the amount of rice we are packing. First we have to spread the banana leaves thickly on top of each other and put rice on the banana leaves, then sprinkle yellow beans on top, then put the pork on top and fold the ends of the two leaves together.After packing and going through another stage is

tying. Baking is not easy. We have to tie it tightly, otherwise when boiling water can get into the cake which can melt the rice. After tying, we have to boil.Cooking takes about 5 to 6 hours until well cooked. We have to keep an eye on the fire, we have to watch the fire closely and turn the cake to the other side to cook well.