Khmer salutation is really important in daily life

CAMCENTRO 2023. 10. 28. 09:53


Salutation is a salutation or mutual practice of ordinary people in society, especially Buddhists, but when it 
comes to salutation, the Cambodian people have long held its own tradition. Understand that salutation is a 
gesture that shows gentle, polite, polite and mutual respect.



During the meeting, the Cambodian people are always like:
- In Khmer language, we use the word "hello"
- Respect by using gestures or saluting each other.


People and some students are always confused about how to salute and always err on the side of Khmer salutation. Here are the five ways of saluting and their meanings.


1. The tip of the thumb rests on the eyebrow: Indra Brahma, the deity of the ancients, worships things that are higher than human beings.

2. Middle fingertips to the eyebrows: salutation of monks, kings, as a prostration or obeisance.

3. Middle fingertips to the tip of the nose: salute parents, grandparents, guardians, teachers or benefactors.

4. Middle fingertip to mouth: A salute to someone older than the boss or boss.

5. Middle fingertips to the chest: salute people of similar status or friends, etc., and for older people to salute the younger ones.


Khmer salutation has accurate and clear rules according to rank, position and age. Stick to salutation to show 
mutual respect.