CAMCENTRO 2023. 11. 27. 17:46


1. History of Pnhom Bakheng 


            Phnom Bakheng was built in 907 AD during the reign of King Sovarman I. This temple is located on the top of a natural mountain located in the center of Yasothon or Angkor I and between Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom. From the foot of the mountain to the top of the temple is 78 meters high, this temple is located between two other mountains, Phnom Krom and Phnom Bok.


           Phnom Bakheng Temple is a temple located on a natural mountain which is considered as a mountain temple with five towers and five levels. This temple is located on the left hand side of the road from Angkor Wat to Bayon temple, which can attract a lot of tourists at sunset. This temple was built in the late ninth and early tenth centuries during the reign of King Sovarman I (889-910), who practiced Brahmanism.Khoeurn Sokhem, [11/27/2023 3:23 PM]
         Phnom Bakheng was built in 907 AD during the reign of King Sovarman I. This temple is located on the top of a natural mountain located in the center of Yasothon or Angkor I and between Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom. From the foot of the mountain to the top of the temple is 78 meters high, this temple is located between two other mountains, Phnom Krom and Phnom Bok.

         Phnom Bakheng Temple is a temple located on a natural mountain which is considered as a mountain temple with five towers and five levels. This temple is located on the left hand side of the road from Angkor Wat to Bayon temple, which can attract a lot of tourists at sunset. This temple was built in the late ninth and early tenth centuries during the reign of King Sovarman I (889-910), who practiced Brahmanism.
Bakheng is 65 meters high. Phnom Bakheng has 109 peaks and is 45 meters high. This temple represents

Mount Sumeru. The temple has seven floors, the lower five levels and the upper floor, which represents the seven heavens of Indra in Brahmanical mythology.




2. A special thing for tourists


          Phnom Bakheng is the oldest of the temples of the former capital of Angkor. Tourists who like to go up to see Phnom Bakheng is because of the many attractions such as the sunset and can clearly see the scenery around Angkor.On the other hand, it is the most attractive point for tourists to visit the sunrise, with the current rainy season per day, there are about 400 to 500 tourists to visit the sunset on a normal day and more than 1,000 people for Saturday and Sunday.On the other hand, it is the most attractive point for tourists to visit the sunrise, with the current rainy season per day,Tourists can visit from early morning until 4:00 pm.

        Let's see a beautiful sunrise and sunset  once in your life in cambodia to get new experince and make good memory with your favoutite person .