Khmer instruments and music

CAMCENTRO 2023. 11. 11. 11:03


Khmer is one of the oldest ethnic groups in Southeast Asia, and even its culture is universally recognized. 
At the same time, the architectural art of Khmer creative talent also has its own musical art, which has kept the 
dynasty stable to this day.


Khmer classical music retains its sustainability, reminiscent of four types of instruments: strings, chains, and 
percussion instruments.

These instruments include drums, chheng, ronat, troso, trout, utake, trche, flute, khim chap, gong ken nai, 
muang sralai, chapei, gong vong, toch, gong vong thom, khmong pong kong, peng pia.


It is these types of instruments that make Khmer known internationally through Khmer musical instruments, with the same instruments being used to express their traditions used in religious ceremonies such as Kathina, Flower Festival, New Year, and Kan Ben. Pchum Ben and contemporary art performances. 








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