Khmer Youth Draw Game

CAMCENTRO 2023. 12. 2. 10:18


           Draw game is a fun game for young Cambodians, both men and women, young men and women. This game is played with physical force as a reason and is only played during the Khmer New Year, the month of Chet Pisak. It is popular to play in the pagoda during the Khmer New Year because of the large field is easy to play this game, but can be played in the village if the village is crowded and there is enough space to play .This game is usually played during the day, but if the lights are bright or the moon is bright, they can be played at night.



         The composition of the game is divided into two groups of players, at least 5 or 10 people on each side, depending on how much they find each other to play, but according to the locals, if there are women to play. Women on one side, men on the other, and it is understood that females are always weaker than males, they always put at least two more females than males, if 8 males, 10 females.

Toys are made of cowhide, buffalo leather, or a rope made of coconut brush for pulling from a short length of 20 cubits up to the size of a child's fingertips, and will be used for a snare or a gong or a crash. 
For slapping or for hitting when first pulled.



      How to play First, they choose a man, a woman, a big man with a lot of strength to stand at the end, a man holding one end, a woman holding one end, and another man, a woman with a lot of strength, standing in the middle of the place. 
That they stand to lead themselves to try to pull each other, people who are small, thin, weak, 
let them stand in the middle of them.



       Each time the game lasts from 5-6 minutes to 10 minutes or more to see the winners and losers on each side. When they know which side wins and which side loses, they start playing again, the other side is exhausted, but each one stops. This game is considered as an exercise to keep the body strong and healthy.