Big Skin Shadow Theater in Khmer Art

CAMCENTRO 2023. 12. 8. 09:45


        Big Skin Shadow Theater is a Khmer art that originated in the first century AD. This is a testament to the brilliant intelligence and ingenuity that makes this art a spectacular spectacle.



      Puppetry has been documented in some documents since the post-Angkorian period. Especially in Siem Reap, Angkor, such as praying for something to wish for, the funeral of the deceased pagoda chief, the rain begging ceremony, the birthday celebration The King's age, with a large crowd.



      The Big Skin Theater or the Big Skin Shadow Theater is the oldest theater in Cambodia, possibly a remnant of ancient times, as evidenced by temple inscriptions.




     The Big Skin Shadow Theater was inscribed on the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity on November 25, 2005.






Thank you





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