Past and present photos of the hotel that was the filming location for the movie R Point

CAMCENTRO 2023. 9. 30. 09:51

The colonial-era casino building in Bogosan Mountain, Cambodia, which was the setting for the Korean movie R Point, 
is now a hotel.


It is in operation.

Boko Mountain is a mountain located near the coastal city south of Phnom Penh. It means a mountain where clouds stay.
When you reach the top, clouds pass above and below the mountain, or the mountain is covered in clouds. 
It's rare in Cambodia.

It can be said to be a fairly high mountain. Of course, you can't compare it to Korea.




보코산 국립공원 · National Hwy 3, 캄보디아

★★★★☆ · 국립공원




At the time of filming, the building was said to be haunted because it was a place where many people died during the Khmer Rouge, and we stayed here.
I wonder if there will be anyone.... Hmm~