Agriculture in Cambodia

CAMCENTRO 2023. 10. 19. 11:57

Most of us Cambodians live in rural areas and are engaged in agriculture.


1. Type of farmer

- Rice farmers: the largest in the country and prefer to grow rain-fed rice (rainy season) on lowland areas.

- Farmers in the highlands: They grow permanent or seasonal crops such as: corn, potatoes, beans, sesame ... etc. Some farmers raise animals.

- Plantation farmers or non-rice farmers: They grow various crops along rivers, streams and hills, such as tobacco, vegetables, flowers, etc.

- Farmers in the northeastern provinces (Ratanakiri, Mondulkiri) and mountainous areas often burn forest crops such as rice, corn, potatoes and tuber plants.



Water source

Water is the main source of life for rice as well as crops. The only source of water besides lakes, rivers and streams is the sky, which means it depends on the rain, that is, it depends on the destiny.



Antique tools

As for the production equipment, it is traditional, such as using a plow, harrow, traction force, and using cattle.



Session Tools


Irrigation consists of digging ponds, digging canals, digging reservoirs on the mountain, holding dams, 
irrigation in a technical manner in the direction of sufficient water supply for farming, up to dry farming, 
and modern 
equipment such as tractors. Cranes, pumps, harvesters, threshers. Farmers have the ability to use chemical 
fertilizers and natural fertilizers. In addition, the Ministry of Agriculture has established rice experiment centers 
in areas, districts and provinces.